
Just to kick things off…

This is my first attempt at blogging, so only time will tell where this goes: it may die an early death, or it might just keep on rolling… I’m not setting any targets, and have no resolutions to update on anything other than an infrequent basis.

Okay, to update on an infrequent basis may actually be a target, but you know what I mean…

Anyway, I have been posting (ad nauseum) over on the tintinologist.org site for the last few years, and am privileged to be a moderator there – check it out, if you haven’t been there, it’s a fun place for the fan of HergĂ© and the clear-line school of comics.
I also have a (ubiquitous these days) personal Facebook page, and I’ve undertaken to establish both a tintinologist group and a fan-page on Facebook, each of which has gathered some followers.
Next, I started Twitter feeds for both tintinologist and myself.
All this led me to consider the many and varied means the internet offers each of us to communicate, and the opportunity, the outlet they all give for thoughts and ideas.
From this, I realised that blogging wasn’t something I had tried, hence this page.

I’m not doing this as a tintinologist exercise. Although I can see that Tintin- and HergĂ©-related topics will find their home here, I’m first and foremost going to use this as an outlet for a broad range of subjects which interest me. I can also post pictures, doodles and such, and perhaps some of the Adobe Illustrator tips and tricks I’ve picked up – we’ll see!

Anyway, I’ll now draw this to a close, and sign off!